What is Google BERT algorithm?

shahr interneti
4 min readJun 14, 2022

If you’ve ever heard of Google’s algorithms, you must have heard of Burt’s algorithm. Now the question is, how many algorithms does Google follow? What is the Burt algorithm? And what are the differences?

In fact, Burt’s algorithm allows Google to understand everyday words and phrases like a human. Burt algorithm completely simplifies the search in colloquial language. And it can be said that it has complemented the ranking algorithm.

Follow us until the end of this article to learn more about this algorithm.

What is Google’s BERT algorithm?

Just when everyone thought Internet search was perfect and could not be better, in 2018 Google started designing and publishing its largest algorithm in the last 5 years. This algorithm is known as BERT or Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Google’s smartest as well as newest algorithm has been recognized in recent years. The algorithm, a natural language processor based on artificial intelligence, helps Google bots improve human language comprehension, display more accurate results, and understand the semantic structure of words.

The question may be, why should Google design an algorithm with these features?

All users who search on Google are human, so this algorithm helps you get your answer just by searching for the phrase. And you do not have to say your sentence in the official language.

So far, you are familiar with the general concept of this algorithm. In the continuation of this article, we want to explain the performance of this algorithm to you in a more specialized way.

Expert understanding of the performance of Google BERT algorithm

Before the advent of the BERT algorithm, when you searched for a phrase on Google, for example: “How to bake a cake without an oven”, Google did not understand the word “unused” and only gave the results related to “baking a cake”. You showed up.

But if you search for this phrase now, Google will understand exactly what you mean and will show much more accurate results as you wish.

A more concrete example can be given to you in this case. Suppose the question “How do I strengthen my English language?” Do a Google search. Two modes occur:

1. If your search was before the BERT algorithm was born:

Google only showed you language-related results and ignored the words “do”, “how” and “strong”.

2. If your search was after the advent of the BERT algorithm:

Google pays close attention to the words “strong” and “how” and “English language”, and shows you exactly the results associated with it, assuming that you mean ways to strengthen English, not the tongue of the human body.

It should be noted that this algorithm is not specific to a particular language. It covers all the languages ​​of the world. Each country in its own language may have a word with several meanings, or in other words, words that are both phonetic and written. So this algorithm applies to all of them.

As you can see, you no longer need to focus on one particular word as a keyword. Because now long keywords are getting more attention. So focus more on Longtail Keywords.

What is NLP?

The term NLP or Natural Language Processing stands for Natural Language Processing and a subset of artificial intelligence that includes machine learning and linguistics. It’s actually what communicates between computers and humans with natural language.

NLP behind-the-scenes technology for all common language applications such as:

Google Translate

Microsoft Word


OK Google, Siri, Cortana and Alexa

is. NLP is actually a framework that supports BERT.

Impact of BERT algorithm on SEO

This question is wrong because SEO is the site optimization for search engines and Burt algorithm is one of the factors affecting search engines. Because we are the ones who have to align our site with these algorithms.

As we have said, this algorithm has helped to simplify the understanding of words, sentences and questions of users. So you also need to pay attention to these things in order to optimize your SEO site. You can optimize your site better than before with the training materials we have prepared for you:

The difference between BERT algorithm and Rank Brain algorithm

BERT and Rank Brain algorithms are two algorithms with many similarities but they are not the same. Follow us in this section to understand the difference between these two algorithms.

Rank Brain Algorithm

This algorithm works by matching new search results with users’ previous search results. And thus displays results by combining previous results and a series of user-related results. So the basis of its work is the results of previous searches.

BERT algorithm

As you learned during this tutorial, the focus of Burt’s algorithm is on querying to understand users better and more accurately so that they can deliver more relevant results. So in this algorithm, every word or letter that the user has searched for is considered.

So as you can see, these two algorithms are separate but they also have similarities. In general, both algorithms are set to process user queries and try to better understand the user’s purpose and provide the desired result.

Concluding remarks

Since the BERT algorithm makes it easier for users to search in colloquial language, keep in mind that you should also prioritize the user and his convenience.

So it can be said that when a user searches on Google, the results displayed to him are much more accurate and closer.



shahr interneti

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